Sunday, 3 November 2013

Will The War In Afghanistan and Pakistan Last Forever? (Part 2)

After the death of the Taliban leader, Hakimullah Mehsud, the US have possibly trashed the chances of ever gaining peace in Pakistan and Afghanistan and with the Taliban.

Mehsud had been the leader of the Taliban since 2009. During his role, he tried to make the Taliban more international by increasing connections and co-ordination with Al Qai'da and domestic Pakistani militants. Plus, within this he raised money through extortion, kidnapping and bank robbery. He also took part and was responsible for many attacks that have killed thousands of soldiers, standard citizens and police.

The leader was killed by a CIA drone, the day before militants were to meet up with representatives of the government in Pakistan. This has now lead to a plan of revenge in a series of attacks lead by the Taliban; inevitably putting the country's security on high alert.

It is questionable to why they went through with this, as not only has it damaged the positive links the US and the UK have with Pakistan and Afghanistan, it has possibly destroyed our opportunity to make and create peace in these countries. And, even though one leader has been killed, the next has already been selected, ready for the next battle.

Furthermore, Western countries have recently been withdrawing the number of troops out in Afghanistan, Pakistan's neighbouring country, reducing the amount of support we currently have out there when big attacks and strikes are on their way, due to this action caused by the US.

Nawaz Sharif, the newly elected Pakistani Prime Minister, wanted to start to talk to the Taliban in order to end violence and he publicly urged the US to end drone strikes. After this drone strike, it signalled to the Prime Minister that the US weren't there to support the fight for peace like they said they were, but in fact were the ones responsible for the "murder of peace in this area".

This is now even more difficult for Pakistan to push forwards the concept of peace, as it is widely talked about that Pakistan's military and intelligence agencies work hand-in-hand with the US. Making not only the US suspects, but the Pakistani Government too.

It has been mentioned by Christine Fair, a South Asia expert at Georgetown University, Washington DC; something that many of us think when watching the news about this US drone: "The Taliban killed 40,000 people. What lunatic thought there would be peace talks."

Link to Part 1:



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